Grahak Dakshata Kalyan Foundation

Grahak Dakshata Kalyan Foundation is an Registered Non- Governmental Organisation Trust registration number (MPT) F-0038599 located in the city of Nagpur , Maharashtra , India. The organisation aims primarily to spread awareness among the citizens of India for the protection of the consumer rights, addressing to various issues and problems with regards to the safety of countrymen, and to enable facilities and amenities for public at large in public places for a decent & respectful social standard.


President and Founder Message

This is Nitin Solanke, the Founder President of Grahak Dakshata Kalyan Foundation. We are glad that you have spared some time to visit our website and read our concern for the society in the best benefit of the Human Kind.

In brief, I would like to express that, Today in this modern world most of the citizens are dependent daily on products and commodities which are produced by different companies, packed attractively and marketed skilfully ... .

Our concern is – Do these products really contain the values and benefits that are declared, Are these really healthy to use and good to consume for Humans, Are they truly the Value-For- Money when it reaches the consumer. Are goods / commodities which are to be delivered to the consumer misused or used somewhere else illegally. Are these consumables / goods really environment friendly and not hazardous to the Earth by time.

For an individual this may look very small or tiny and he or she may just let it go, but when it is collective culminated it becomes a huge & serious problem be it to the health of the society, illegal trade or the preservation of nature and earth. Therefore, we have taken this first step – to spread awareness amongst the consumers. As you go through our website, it shall educate and make you aware.

I request you to join our hands in this noble cause. For any queries or support do write to our public relations officers or contact the field officers.
Thanks for your time and hope that you will be a “Daksha Grahak or Aware Consumer”

Warm Regards
Nitin Solanke

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13 JUN : Meeting with Maharashtra Goverment

26 DEC : Meeting with Himachal Pradesh Goverment


Projects Done

The GDKF project empowers consumers through education, awareness, and support, promoting consumer rights and fair practices.


Active Presence State

The GDKF has an active presence in multiple states, promoting consumer education and rights.


Developing Project State

The GDKF is developing projects across various states to enhance consumer education and awareness.


Upcoming Action State

The GDKF is planning upcoming actions in various states, focusing on expanding consumer awareness and rights initiatives.